In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing.
What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them?

In fact, many data show the society of developed countries currently living through their worst behaviors. It is completely going to influence their level of health and fitness. This essay I will explain why and how to solve this case.

People today, especially who are living in the big country, have many duties for their occupation. Unsurprisingly, they have spent their weekdays in the work place, either for working until midnight or for working in a whole day. Consequently, they do not have much time to make a notice for their body needs such as doing an exercise or eating health food. Bad news, modern people have not used their leisure time as good as they can. Most of persons today are spending their free time just lying down on their sofa for watching TV or reading book surrounding with many cookies. This habit is the main cause of obesity, the popular health risk for the developed country people.

As we know, almost the main cause of health risk among the big country society is bad time management. All of them are just over focused for their careers and forgetting for their health condition. To solve this problem, making the strict health daily activities schedule is a must for them. Not only concern for their occupation but also give space time for their body needs, for example doing exercise just few minutes every day. Besides, they should control and pay more attention for their food. Organic food such as vegetables and fruits are the best choice for daily meals, and avoiding some kind of fast food.

In conclusion, living in this modern era is vulnerable to decrease our level of health. However, we should manage our time and food especially for our body’s needs as good as we can. 

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